
REVIEW: Holocaust education in Lithuania: community, conflict, and the making of civil society by Christine Beresniova

Holocaust education in Lithuania:community, conflict, and the making of civil society, by Christine Beresniova, Lanham, Lexington Books,2017, 189 pp., $90.00, ISBN 978-1-4985-3744-5 (hbk), 978-1-4985-3745-2 (e-book) In the 2017 BBC biographical drama,’Victoria and Abdul,’ about the real relation­ ship between the British Queen Victoria and her Indian servant Abdul Karim,there is a comic scene about Britain’s […]

REVIEW: Holocaust education in Lithuania: community, conflict, and the making of civil society by Christine Beresniova Read More »

REVIEW: Holocaust Education in Lithuania: Community, Conflict, and the Making of Civil Society. By Christine Beresniova. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2017, xxvii, 189 pp. Notes. Bibliography. Index. $90.00, hard bound.

During the Second World War, almost the entire Jewish community in Lithuania was killed. Yet, throughout the whole Soviet period, the Holocaust never really existed as a topic in the official discourse. Soviet historians could only write about “the murder of peaceful Soviet citizens.” These prohibitions no longer remain in post-Soviet countries; however, this does

REVIEW: Holocaust Education in Lithuania: Community, Conflict, and the Making of Civil Society. By Christine Beresniova. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2017, xxvii, 189 pp. Notes. Bibliography. Index. $90.00, hard bound. Read More »